How Gratitude Changes Your Brain?

  • October 04, 2022
  • 5 min Reads
Gratitude Change Your Brain

Boost your emotional, physical, and mental health by being thankful. Studies indicate that happiness and gratitude are interlinked. Often, happiness is perceived as a feeling of satisfaction and joy. These feelings are a measurement of well-being, as you discover your life as meaningful. Consequently, you tend to become more appreciative of your life and of others, which leads to a positive mindset. Want to learn how to cultivate gratitude and happiness in your life? Read on to find out more.


What is Gratitude?

Gratitude is a positive emotional reaction that nurtures the biological need to feel healthy. It’s a feeling of gratefulness for evocative and valuable situations or things in our lives.  

According to Robert Emmons, a leading expert in gratitude – Gratitude is an affirmation of goodness. We affirm the goodness in the world and the gifts that we receive. We realize that good sources can stem from within ourselves, and they can also stem from our environment. These sources include our family and friends and spiritual powers. Further, we can improve our well-being by mastering the art of gratitude by simply practicing daily. 

Why is Gratitude Important? 

The importance of gratitude is powerful. Scientific evidence suggests that gratitude offers many social, psychological, physical, and emotional benefits. It helps us to keep moving forward in life, especially during tough times.  

In times of uncertainty, we often compare ourselves with others who are leading a better life than us. It’s in this moment that gratitude can help us keep a positive mindset. Thus, we must practice gratitude to boost positivity in ourselves and be able to view the situation from a different perspective and act on it. 

How does Gratitude Change your life?

  1. Gratitude liberates us from negative emotions
  2. Being grateful leads to a positive view of the world
  3. Gratitude improves mental wellbeing
  4. Gratitude improves health
  5. Grateful people enjoy enhanced friendships
  6. Improved self-esteem
  7. Gratitude improves sleep
  8. It can boost your career

1. Gratitude liberates us from negative emotions

Studies indicate that people who feel more thankful than others tend to view current and future situations with a positive outlook. Since childhood, we learn behavior, and how to act and react, and that shapes us as adults. Since we can learn new behaviors, we can practice writing gratitude letters that would create improved mental health by shifting focus from negative emotions. When writing about how others have blessed you and how you have overcome your challenges, it would be easier to see life and act towards it encouragingly instead of complaining about it. 

2. Being grateful leads to a positive view of the world

Positive thinking reveals your focus on things surrounding you. For example, a person scared of cats will pay close attention if a cat is nearby, while someone who is not perturbed by the animal is not conscious if the cat roams around them. Thus, if you are a more grateful person overall, you might pay more attention to the good things around you, which would be a positive attention bias.

Further, remembering positive memories more often than sad ones leads to a better self. Studies indicate grateful people are biased toward positive thinking as their brains are wired to focus and store positive memories. Hence, they can easily travel back the memory lane to revive those happy times and get back on their feet quickly in uncertain times.     

3. Gratitude improves mental wellbeing

Gratitude plays an important role in good mental health. Studies show that grateful people are more optimistic with improved mood, and lower stress levels and depression. Thus, if you are dealing with mental health issues, pairing gratitude practices with your medication can do wonders. 

4. Gratitude improves health 

Research shows that positive thoughts improve physical health. A study conducted to show the correlation between self-esteem and gratitude indicated that a positive mindset led to the inclination for healthy activities and a willingness to seek help in case of illness. Thus, practicing gratitude i.e., positive affirmation about your health would lead to a healthy lifestyle and less stress. Additionally, a healthy lifestyle leads to better self-esteem.

5. Grateful people enjoy enhanced friendships

Gratitude is a natural mechanism that allows mutual benefit. We reciprocate goodness to others as they do favors for us. Thus, we care for our family and friends in equal measure as they do.      

Research indicates that saying “thank you” to an acquaintance can instantly improve social relationships, and thanking your partner can improve romantic relationships. 

People who show gratitude towards others easily receive assistance from them. Thus, people who show gratitude towards others enjoy often have better friendships.  Further, when people receive help from others, they are more likely to share their joys with others, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship. 

Thus, being kind to yourself and others lead to forging new and stronger relationships on which you can depend. 

6. Improved self-esteem

Your level of self-worth can make or break you. Balanced self-esteem increases satisfaction with life. Self-love leads to a better personality that is admired by all. 

7. Gratitude improves sleep

Sleep requires a happy mindset. Thus, it may help to engage in a hobby or listen to music for your body to relax before you hit the sack. A lack of sleep leaves us grumpy and tired all the time, but a restful one keeps us energetic throughout the day. Along with good eating habits, a healthy state of mind also plays a pivotal role in sleep quality. Thus, using a gratitude journal before bedtime is an effective way to calm your mind and induce positive thinking before slumber. The next day, you will surely feel positively energized for work and personal. 

8. It can boost your career

It makes you more compassionate, forgiving, and helpful. It improves your job satisfaction level. Respect and gratitude in the workplace encourage team spirit and enable all employees to contribute value to their roles and responsibilities while feeling nurtured by the company and staff.   


Gratitude is a positive feeling that enhances the well-being of self and others. Writing a journal of thankfulness before bedtime can do wonders for your mental, psychological, and physical health. Get creative by collecting photographs of people and places that you are thankful for. For us to be happier, practicing gratitude is critical.

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